Message to Membership – February 17, 2022

From the Music Director …

Dear Hartford Chorale,

How wonderful it was to have so many of you (78!) join Monday’s first-of-four anniversary concert “run up” sessions. Despite not being physically present, the energy was high, and your responses very affirming. I welcome any specific concert-related questions you might have, either as generated by the online sessions or by your own individual preparation. I also welcome any suggestions you might have as to how we can ensure that these sessions are as rewarding and helpful to you as possible. Replies are welcome! Also gratifying on Monday evening was the presence of so many of our brand new members, a keen sign of their interest and enthusiasm for “who we are and what we do.” Jack Pott is planning to make the sessions, which are recorded, available for subsequent use. He will provide more information about that. Our time together on February 21 will include the Barnett “Steal Away,” the Dennard “Fare Ye Well,” the first movement of Perkins’ Alive Poems, and, for the women, the Brahms songs.

I thank our librarians, Jeannine Lovendale and Danielle Foint, and Lisa Nappi, our Interim Operations Manager, for all their hard work in the procurement and distribution of scores for our 50th anniversary concert.

All best,



From the Board President …

Dear Hartford Chorale,

Wasn’t Monday’s event just wonderful? I felt like jumping out of my seat and singing! It was so nice to see your faces, and welcome new ones too. I cannot wait for us to meet in person.

Our board, committee chairs and office continue to work very hard keeping the Chorale healthy for our return to performance. Our ranks of volunteers have grown, and the energy is high as we prepare for our first rehearsal.

I cannot wait for next Monday when I will see you all again. Until then, have a wonderful week and weekend.



From the Assistant Music Director …

It was wonderful to see so many of you on ZOOM this past Monday! For next week’s session I’ll be leading a short time of vocal warmups again, and also can’t wait to introduce you to the Brahms songs for women’s choir, horns and harp! They have long been a favorite of mine, and I was thrilled that Maestro Coffey asked me to conduct them for the 50th Anniversary concert!

From the Media Coordinator …

For those of you who were not able to join us this past Monday night (or had to arrive late), I have edited the program, and uploaded it to our YouTube channel as unlisted. Here is the link:



Upcoming Virtual Rehearsals …

Here is the link for the Chorale’s 50th Anniversary Run-Up Session 2 on Monday, February 21st from 7:00 until 8:30 pm.

Hartford Chorale is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Photographer|Videographer for the 50th Anniversary Concert


We need a photographer to take pictures before, during and after our May 20th performance – head shots, singer shots, groups shots, full stage. Are there any members who have a connection to a photographer?


We also need to engage a videographer or perhaps a YouTube “artist” who can record footage and assemble images and photos of the Chorale to produce a video for the Perkins piece, at least. Do any of you know someone with these talents? If so, please email Lisa at with your recommendation(s) and their contact information.


Thank you!