Message to Membership – June 23, 2022
From the Music Director …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the extraordinary farewell dinner and celebration that you hosted in my honor on June 15. The setting was so very inviting, with smiles everywhere I looked. I know that I cannot thank everyone who had a major part in planning and leading this occasion, but coming to mind in particular are Dawn Bauer, Lalitha Shivaswamy, Jim Barry, Jack Pott, Lisa Nappi, George Guignino, Kris Fallon, and Mary Ann Haar. The spoken tributes moved me deeply, reminding me of our rich and colorful history, and what a treat to hear “Canticum Coffey,” specially written and arranged by Jack Pott and sung to the music of “Java Jive” (appropriate!) by vocal section leaders Stacey Grimaldi, Pam Johnson, Russ Hammond, and Jack himself. I am still working through all of the cards! Your very symbolic and generous gifts, shown on display in the attached photograph, included cocktail glasses and spirits to fill them, Hartford Chorale label wine, goblets and other glassware with the new Chorale logo etched thereon, a copy of the “Coffey” libretto and score, and four custom-designed jigsaw puzzles, all from iconic photographs of the Chorale in concert and on tour. The enormous 50th-anniversary poster, signed by all of you, will find a place of high honor, as will the stunning antique baton in ebony and sterling silver, with etching indicating its origins as 1908, all encased in a magnificent wood and glass display. Kris Fallon’s ingenious PowerPoint display was marvelous and irresistible. In considering all of the thank-yous that are in order, please “merge” the names just shown with those cited at our June 12 pre-concert warmup, when many important and timely recognitions were made.
The farewell evening included the opportunity for me to meet and introduce our new Executive Director, Emily Badger. Already she has her hand on the plow and is accomplishing task after task during this time of significant transition. Please support our major fund-raiser, the June 27 golf tournament, happy hour, and auction. I hope to see you there. Then just two days later we have our annual meeting via Zoom (perhaps the very last Zoom event in our history; let’s hope so). Already the Chorale leadership, including and especially Jack Pott, is fervent in the planning of our 2022-2023 season, and you will soon hear much more about that.
Among my post-departure tasks is a particularly engaging one: Listening carefully to the recordings of our anniversary concert and dress rehearsal, as we move ahead on preparing and producing a souvenir compact disc for distribution.
For those in need of reading material for bringing on sleep, attached is the thank-you “speech” I offered at the farewell dinner.
All best,
From the Board President …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
All roads lead to golf! The golf committee has been working hard since the fall of last year to make the day the enjoyable and relaxing event that it is. Thank you to all who have worked hard on this event, and to all of you who have supported our biggest fundraiser.
As a reminder, our annual meeting is on Wednesday, June 29 at 7:00 p.m. over Zoom. An email with all the details will go out over the weekend. However, I know we’ve all been waiting patiently for news of next year. I am thrilled to share with you our season as approved by the board (please see attached). SCAP chair, Ed Below and I were talking about how this season features the old and the new. The season explodes with the most well-known of choral masterpieces, and our Spring is filled with music that is all new to the Chorale. The opportunity to bring this to the world is very exciting! Please make special note of all the dates and add them into your calendar right away. We don’t want to miss a moment!
Until next week, have a wonderful week and weekend!
From the Golf/Auction Committee …
IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP for our biggest fundraising event of the year – Monday, June 27, The Annual Hartford Chorale Classic Golf Tournament and Online Auction!
- The Tournament will be played at Blackledge Country Club in Hebron, CT.
- Scramble Format.
- Registration at 9:00 AM and Shotgun start at 10:00 AM.
- Price – $125 per player, lunch included.
- After golf – join us for a Happy Hour where we can brag about our scores and take part in a Teacup raffle. Follow the link below to register your foursome.
- Happy Hour for non-golfers available with a $35 fee to cover expense – please RSVP with GOLF HAPPY HOUR RSVP in the subject line asap!
- Online Auction starts June 17th. Look for the eblast announcement later this week.
Sign up to play in the Hartford Chorale Golf Tournament HERE!!!
From the Librarians …
If you still have your Beethoven IX score, please return it asap to:
Danielle Foint
857 River Road
Agawam, MA. 01001
Danielle and Jeanine
From the Office …
If you are unsure whether you have paid your dues, please contact Lisa in the office ( and she can tell you. Dues are $185 for the season. Please go to this link on the members page (password is Chorale21) to pay online or mail a check to the office (233 Pearl Street, #17, Hartford, CT 06103). The end of our fiscal year quickly approaches, and we need to have all payments in as soon as possible, please. Thank you!