Message to Membership, March 3, 2022
From the Music Director …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
How gratifying it was to see how many of you attended Monday’s “Pre-rehearsal-rehearsal.” I am glad to know that these are serving the intended purpose, which is making the rehearsal launch on April 4 a smooth and exciting one. As to the preparations needed for all that lies ahead, please pay frequent visits to the members’ page of the website. What awaits you there are the concert’s edit masters, a host of documents, and a treasure trove of audio/visual aids from composer Scott Perkins. The per-vocal-section aids and the second-movement tutorials (tailored for each section) make for a virtual rehearsal. Enjoy your run-up efforts. They will pay off enormously.
It is also thrilling to see our Big-50 concert posted by the Bushnell box office. I successfully navigated the waters today (Monday) and purchased a number of tickets. I was glad to see quite a few seats already bought! That special offer has paid off. More to follow.
Online-submitted auditions continue to come in. People are eager to join the Chorale! What a wonderful thing that is. I look forward to our last of four rehearsal run-ups on March 7, and I encourage everyone to attend the live, in-person vocal workshops that Jack Pott is leading on the subsequent Mondays of March 14, 21, and 28, at St. James’s Church.
All best,
From the Board President …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
A happy March to you all! We have only one virtual rehearsal before we begin our vocal workshops. I am so happy to have our Monday rhythm back. It has been too long!
Thank you to all who spread the word about our pre-sale. We sold 110+ tickets on just that one day! Our marketing team led by Fred Baker is working extremely hard spreading the word on our concert. Please go over Fred’s note below with a fine-tooth comb and join in the fun of helping fill the house. This concert is going to be spectacular, and we don’t want anyone to miss out.
You’ve also seen the note from the Maestro on online audition submissions. They do indeed continue to come in. If you know of candidates who are a good fit for our wonderful community, please send them to our website.
My sincere thanks to all our committee chairs and volunteers, and especially Joanne Huelsman, chair of our 50th season for the incredible level of preparation leading us to the ticket launch. It was no small feat considering that all this was coordinated when we were self-isolated, using only virtual tools. It is remarkable when you think about it!
I can’t wait to see you all on Monday. Until then, have a wonderful week and weekend.
From the Marketing Committee …
Congratulations to everyone on the 50th Anniversary Season of the Hartford Chorale!
Chorus America posted a wonderful article about our 50th season. You can read it here.
As you’ve already heard, our 50th Anniversary concert has been given the green light for rehearsals, production, and presentation this coming May! As this will be Maestro Coffey’s last full performance with us, we need to really “pack the house” so he can go out with a BANG!!
To ensure maximum ticket sales and attendance, we need your help. What I’m asking from you is multi-faceted:
- Please complete this form with the names and contact information of groups (Senior Living Communities, Performance Arts schools, Church Choirs, Social groups or Clubs, etc.) that would be interested in purchasing tickets using our Group Sales discounts.
- Group Sales discounts are:
- 10 – 24 tickets receive a 15% discount
- 25 or more tickets receive a 25% discount
- Group tickets do not need to be purchased in a single section of Mortenson Hall, but Group Sales tickets do need to be ordered at the same time in order to receive the discount.
- Use this form to introduce us to radio and TV contacts you know so that we can arrange for coverage and interviews for Rick and Scott.
- Send us the name and contact information of any local newspapers in your area so we can provide them press announcements.
Finally, we need to sell ads for our program book. The sales form is attached to this email. I will be reaching out to the Chorale members who sold ads for our prior self-produced concerts so that they can offer the historic rate to their previous ad customer. #keepthesongstrong
Fred Baker
Marketing Chair
Upcoming Virtual Rehearsal …
Here is the link for the Chorale’s 50th Anniversary final Run-Up Session 4 on Monday, March 7, from 7:00 until 8:30 pm.
Hartford Chorale is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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From the Media Coordinator …
Here is the link to last Monday night’s rehearsal virtual session 3, now uploaded to YouTube: