Message to Membership – November 16, 2023

Message from the Music Director

Dear Chorale,

After this past Monday (which went very well!) I was struck by the fact that we sang through everything in the concert, except the Carols. AND WE STILL HAVE A MONTH TO GO! We are in a great position with the music, and just in time for a much needed Thanksgiving Break. To that end, our next rehearsal is November 27th. Between now and then, do take some time to review things that we have gone over, and/or fixed. One of the worst things that could happen at our next rehearsal is if we take a few steps backward and make mistakes that have already been fixed. At our next rehearsal there will copies of the unison carols we are singing in the concert. Not much time will be spent on these in rehearsal.

I wish you all a healthy and safe Thanksgiving!


Message from the President

Dear Hartford Chorale,

I wish you all a Mah-nyeeficent Thanksgiving! Thank you for your good cheer and incredible dedication to our beloved art form.

I will not be at our next rehearsal, as I will be in India with my family. The traditional Indian calendar runs by lunar months, and Monday, Nov-27th will be my father’s 1,000th full moon rise! As a part of the celebration, we are asking people to celebrate with us by supporting an organization of their choice in the name of someone meaningful to them. I will be supporting three organizations, one of which is our beloved Chorale. If you would like to join me in supporting the Chorale, please do! I will be making a donation through our website here. As you walk into rehearsal, please look at the moon and know you are celebrating with me.

I will see you all on our December-4 rehearsal. Until then, have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving!


Message from the Executive Director

Dear Hartford Chorale,

This past rehearsal, everyone received flyers and program advertisement forms. I ask that you please go and post these to spread the word! We want to offer this concert to as many people as we can! The program advertisement forms are due no later than December 6th. Please reach out to local businesses and anyone else who might want an ad in this program as a way help fund this free concert. I have attached a copy to this email so that you have an electronic version!

Thank you for everyone who has supported Education and Outreach Committee’s Musical Toy Drive — this is a great way to give back to the community! We are looking for volunteers for this concert, continue reading below for more information and a sign up link. There is more information below on the drive and volunteer sign ups can be found on the Members page.

To mention one last time, there is no rehearsal this upcoming Monday, November 20th and there will be no Message to Membership on Thursday next week.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and safe travels to anyone who may be traveling!
