Message to Membership – November 3, 2022
Dear Chorale,
What fun we had this past Monday with the Halloween Costumes! I am so grateful to Dawn Bauer and all who made that delicious spread possible. Don’t get used to that long of a break!!
I continue to be very impressed with the progress we have made in our first three rehearsals. We are on-schedule, and this is due in large part to your preparation – Bravi tutti! The next three rehearsals will focus on refining and polishing what we have done so far. To that end, I will be Zooming with Maestro Bjaland this Friday to discuss particulars of exactly what he is hoping for. This will ensure we are not only ready for him on December 5 for the Sitzprobe, but that we will be able to get through all the choruses that night. As the weather starts to cool down, I urge you all to continue to be vigilant as it relates to your health so that we may be able to present a strong/full sound in December.
See you soon,