Message to Membership, November 4, 2021
From the Music Director …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
What an exhilarating forty-eight hours we have just experienced! Saturday’s “pop-up” Messiah rehearsal was so very inspiring. The sixty of you, even masked, recreated what I call “The Hartford Chorale sound,” marked by a sonic homogeneity that is nothing short of magnificent. Then on Monday evening another enthusiastic group gathered to hear my “take” on many components and dimensions of Messiah. In both cases, our brand-new singers were on board, a signal of their eagerness to join the fray and to share their talents for the cause.
The conclave for November 8 will focus on part one of our 50th-anniversary season concert. Attached is a copy of the concert’s programming, which I hope you will enjoy examining. I truly believe that, in it, there is “something for everyone.” We will talk/walk through the repertoire, with scores in hand, and listen to some excellent recordings along the way.
It suddenly feels like our season has truly begun, and I am most grateful.
From the Board President …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
It seems like just yesterday that the reopening committee met to discuss the season and we’re already looking at our second conclave! Please see lots of information here for Monday. I thank you all for your patience going through my message carefully.
- The conclave begins promptly at 7:00 p.m.
- The librarians will be distributing the music for our 50th anniversary concert at the upcoming (11/8) and the next (11/15) conclave. Music distribution will begin at 6:30 p.m. If you are collecting and paying for your music at the conclave, please arrive early so that we may start on time.
- The cost of the music is $36 for women and $30 for the men. The payment link is on our member site for those who want to pay in advance through credit card. Otherwise, please bring a check. For the sake of safety, please don’t bring cash, as I would prefer that Lisa Nappi not have to be handling cash/change, etc.
- As a reminder, the password for the members site is Chorale21.
- If you cannot attend either conclave but want to pick up your music, please let the office know. We can come up with an arrangement for pick up.
- The zoom link is below for those who prefer to attend online. The zoom room opens at 6:45 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. start. Invite your friends and family to attend!
Hartford Chorale is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 204061
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Thank you! See you all on Monday!
Message about Susan Porta …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
I have some very sad news for you. Our very own Susan Porta (Alto II) has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Our social committee chair Dawn Bauer is in touch with Susan’s family on behalf of the Chorale and the board. Her daughter shared this message below with us. If you would like to send a message to Susan, her email is
This is Debby, Susan’s daughter. Don’t know if you are aware, but my mother is suffering from terminal cancer. She is not doing well and will not be returning to the chorale. Never being able to sing again is one of the many things she is so sad to see gone. You and the group brought her such joy, and she was always very proud to be associated with the chorale. You can share this information with anyone.
However, please ask others to not call if they wanted to inquire about her. She rests/sleeps a lot these days and the phone interrupts that. If anyone would like to reach out, they can email. I will pass on the messages and reply on her behalf.
Thank you for being part of such an important part of my mother’s life.
Message from the Commission Committee …
From the 50th Anniversary Education and Outreach Task Force
Are you an art teacher (public or private) or do you know an art teacher? The 50th Anniversary Committee is exploring the idea of including an art exhibit at the concert, with works created by young artists reflecting the poetry used in the Scott Perkins composition. We would love to connect with an art teacher (middle school, high school, or college) willing to undertake this art project with their students. Please contact Adlyn Lowenthal ( or Elizabeth Flynn (
From the Vice President of Development …
The Golf Committee needs your help for the 2022 Hartford Chorale Classic. We are searching for a member who would be willing to take on the role as our Sponsorship Champion. This person would head up our search for Tee Sponsors as well as Team and Tournament sponsors in support of our event. Tee sponsors pay $100 each for a sign which is posted at one of the golf holes advertising their business. Our goal is to get at least 18 Tee sponsors this year (last year we had 12). The Golf Committee can help with information from previous years’ sponsors and searches, but we need a dedicated person who can organize and send emails or visit local businesses to sign them up and brainstorm with the team to find some additional sources. If interested in this important role, please reply to Joan Hultquist or to other members of the Golf Committee. Timing would be March 2022 to June 2022. Thank you.
Joan Hultquist
Vice President of Development