Message from the Music Director…
Dear Chorale,
We did it – our first Messiah rehearsal in 4 years was a rousing success! I am so pleased with what we did this past Monday night. The plan was to get through all of part 1, and that is exactly what we did – Bravi tutti!! Our sound is good, and I cannot wait for the next few rehearsals as we delve into the more challenging choruses of parts 1 & 2. To that end, I look forward to hearing your voices and preparation next week as we tackle choruses from part 2.
See you soon,
Message from the President…
Dear Hartford Chorale,
I hope you enjoyed our first Messiah rehearsal as much as I did! I wanted to take a moment and mention that 4 of 6 key people who made last Monday magical were completely new to their roles. Please join me in congratulating Jack Pott, Emily Badger, Sarah Chasse and Steve Cottle on their first rehearsal in their respective roles. Please also join me in congratulating the board for all their hard work getting us to this point. This is the dedication and excellence that can only be the Hartford Chorale.
I cannot wait for Monday. Until then, have a wonderful week and weekend.
Message from the Executive Director...
Dear Hartford Chorale,
It was an absolute pleasure to hear all your phenomenal voices in person this past Monday; what a great opening rehearsal!
Please be reminded that membership dues are to be paid by our next rehearsal on 10/24. Merch bundles will be available for purchase at the next rehearsal, if you didn’t have a chance during the last one.
Look forward to seeing you all on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!
Message from the Social Committee…
The annual costume rehearsal is being resurrected! It will be held Monday, October 31 and enhanced ghoulish snacks will be provided by the social committee. There will be a prize awarded for the best costume as judged by our interim music director, Jack Pott! Come dressed to impress and to win!
Messages from our Friends…
Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival
An exciting concert is happening this Saturday at 4 p.m. The mighty Austin Organ Co. pipe organ at the Bushnell-Mortensen Hall will be featured along with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra. The Chorale has often heard (and felt) the organ when we’ve performed there, most recently for our own production of Mendelssohn’s Elijah. The concert is part of the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival with the young professional competition happening in the morning at Trinity College and culminating in the concert at the Bushnell. Jim Barry serves on the Board of Directors of the Festival. Info and tickets: Video introduction to the concert (including rare views of the organ):
Farmington Valley Chorale
Farmington Valley Chorale’s next concert, “Masterworks for this Moment”, includes highlights from different works Chorale has performed over the past 50 years – part of the ongoing 50th celebration. For the first time, FVChorale is opening its two dress rehearsals to experienced singers in the area who would be interested in stepping in to sing this concert with us.
I wanted to extend the invitation to you and to experienced singers in Hartford Chorale who would be interested and available. Our concert is Sun., Nov. 20 at 4 pm at St. James in West Hartford, and the dress rehearsals at St. James are Fri., Nov. 18 at 7 pm and Sat., Nov. 19 at 2 pm. Interested singers would need to contact me to get copies of our marked scores in advance and come ready for our last two rehearsals. Guest singers would need to be vaccinated/boosted and masked also.