Message to Membership – October 5, 2023

Message from the Music Director

Dear Chorale,


This past summer seems to have been particularly long, and I am so grateful for all of you who have signed up for the 23-24 season, our 52nd! We are only 4 days away from our first Halloween Concert rehearsal. Since all four pieces of the music are in PDF format, be sure you have either picked up or printed your own music, AND gotten markings from the Edit Masters on the website. Every singer must have their scores marked before the first rehearsal. (if you are singing with a tablet/iPad, feel free to download the edit masters to your device. Online, you will also find a brief info document for the concert, along with listening aids provided by the conductor. These listening materials will help tremendously in your preparation. For the first 10/9 rehearsal we will be covering everything in the concert. This concert is going to a lot of fun, and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Message from the President

Dear Hartford Chorale,Welcome and welcome back to our wonderful 23-24 season. The board has worked hard all summer and is excited to finally begin singing! Our season opening social is on Saturday and I very much look forward to seeing you there. Many thanks to the social committee led by Dawn Bauer for all the planning that goes into making it the wonderful event it has become known for.We have incredible new members joining us this year, and some returning as well. I truly cannot wait for Monday where we also get to meet our new Assistant Music Director, Caroline Kimrey Talbert. We’re almost at the ready where we get to experience that beautiful choral sound with the excellence that can only be the Hartford Chorale!Lalitha

Message from the Executive Director

Dear Hartford Chorale,

I am so excited to kick off the season with our Fall Social which will be held on Saturday, October 7th from 4 – 6 PM at St. James Episcopal Church. Please see the end of this email to RSVP!

Once again, scores for our Halloween concert will be available at our Fall Social if you still need printed copies! Scores will be $7.00 due at pickup.

On a similar note, scores for the Bach Magnificat (Barenreiter Vocal Score) will be available the day of our second rehearsal, October 16th. The price for these scores will be $12.00, due at pickup. More information will be available in next week’s message to membership.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Looking forward to a wonderful season!
