Message to Membership – February 10, 2022
From the Music Director …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
On Monday, February 14, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., we will engage in our first of four Fiftieth Anniversary Concert run-up sessions that precede in-person rehearsals which begin on April 4. These “run up” presentations are designed to help everyone get a head start on the preparation of the great music that lies ahead for us. Having scores in-hand will make these opportunities all the more effective, as there will be much listening to recordings and subsequent private “sing along” opportunities each step of the way. Our first session focuses upon selections from the concert’s first half: Shaw/Parker “I’m Goin’ to Sing,” Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music, and Edward Tyler’s “How Can I Keep from Singing.” Attached to this message (as it was last week) is a summary of the content of our four sessions.
Great news! Thanks to the extraordinary work of webmaster Catherine Little, all of the concert’s supporting materials, both audio, visual, and text, are now available to you on the members page of the website. These are currently accessible in the section called “Edit Masters,” but the content is well beyond edit masters. Happy printing, happy listening, happy watching, and happy score-marking!
Summary of Materials and Rehearsal Aids
Preliminary Seminars – Syllabus
Please remember that if any questions arise during our forthcoming sessions, please send them to me via email at A prompt reply is guaranteed.
Intern News! Please congratulate our student intern, Meena Rajesh, as she represents her school at the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Eastern Division Conference. Meena is the only student from her high school to have passed the audition in the first round and will be singing in the ACDA Mixed Honors Choir. The conference is being held in Boston this weekend.
Kind regards to all,
From the Board President …
Dear Hartford Chorale,
I cannot wait for Monday when we will be together virtually. I have missed seeing your wonderful faces. I am also looking forward to learning more about the beautiful pieces we will be singing for our 50th Anniversary concert. Internally, our board and all our committees continue with the business of running the chorale. Many thanks to our committee chairs, volunteers, and board members.
I’ve just discovered “Byrdle” an online scrabble game that is for the choral world! If you haven’t already heard of it, you can play the game here. If you want to know more about the game, read about it in this article here. Enjoy playing the game!
Until I see you all on Monday, have a wonderful week and weekend!
Upcoming Virtual Rehearsals …
Here is the link for the Chorale’s 50th Anniversary Run-Up Session 1 on Monday, February 14th, from 7:00 until 8:30 pm.
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