Message to Membership – January 12, 2024

Message from the Music Director

Dear Chorale,

Happy New Year!

Even as we look to our next concert, it is important to recognize the beauty and magnitude of what happened on December 20th at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph. Words cannot accurately express just how wonderful that evening turned out to be. You all sang with energy and confidence, and the (almost capacity) audience was enthusiastic and receptive! Even the feedback from the orchestra was amazing – they loved being part of this concert. Thank you for everything each of you did to make it a success!

Now, on to Dvorak! Edit Masters have been uploaded to the website, and the info document for this concert is attached to this message. You will find this piece to be right in our wheel-house in terms of repertoire. It is an exciting 20 minutes of music, and includes solo passages (soloists hired by the FVSO). Have fun getting to know it, and be prepared for the first rehearsal!

Hartford Chorale on Parade! Please send me your interest in being part of our annual talent show taking place at our February 12 Conclave. This event is your chance to showcase your artistic talents to your fellow members, so dig out those solos, duets, etc. All submissions are encouraged (vocal, instrumental, poetry reading, etc.) and should be emailed to me at no later than January 31.


Message from the Executive Director

Dear Chorale,

What an incredible December we had. First, Messiah & Magnificat was an absolute triumph for the Chorale! We have gotten great feedback from audience members and it was a joy to witness. You should all be very proud! Second, Education & Outreach Committee gifted the instruments from our musical toy drive to a local daycare who were so appreciative! While there, the children had the opportunity to learn some carols taught by committee members Elizabeth and Carol. Thank you to everyone who participated in this, it truly meant so much to them.

If you have not received your score for Dvorak, please email me to arrange a pick up. Please use the edit masters in the meantime to ensure that you are prepared.

I hope you are all having a very happy New Year! I will see you at our first rehearsal on January 22nd!
