Special Message to Membership – May 24, 2024 – Annual Meeting

Dear Hartford Chorale,
I am thrilled to note that the board has approved the attached by-laws package for distribution to you. Many thanks to the by-laws committee led by Susan Adams for all their hard work in this regard. Please note that any amendments to the by-laws must be approved by the membership, and we will be looking for your vote at the annual meeting. In that respect, please see below the information you need.
  1. The annual meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June – 17. The social committee will be sending out details on the what’s, when’s, and how you may participate. However, for your present planning purposes, please note – cocktails/ hors d’oevres at 6 pm; dinner at 6:30 pm; annual meeting start at 7 pm.
  2. Please see below Rick Wilson’s note below. The by-laws committee would like to reconvene the week of June-3 to compile and prepare for any questions you may have. While you may send in your feedback at any time, we would appreciate it if you could do so by Monday, June-3. This will allow us to work on your points ahead of time and keep this portion of the annual meeting efficient.
Thank you!
Dear fellow Chorale members –
Some weeks ago, a By-Laws Review committee was formed from among members of the Board of Governors, tasked with proposing updates to the Chorale’s By-Laws, which were last modified in 2010. We attach here the result of our efforts for your consideration.
Our By-Laws can only be changed by approval of the membership of the Chorale. We will therefore bring them for discussion and vote at our Annual Meeting in June.
You are welcome to offer any suggestions, improvements or questions about these documents between now and then. Please send them to president@hartfordchorale.org and CC me at wilson.rick@gmail.com.
I’m attaching three documents here.
The first is the text of the bylaws as they currently stand, unmodified, as a PDF.
The second is a clean revision of the bylaws with all of our proposed changes in it, also as a PDF.
The third is a sort of crib sheet, explaining the changes we are proposing and mapping them back into the main document. A good way to begin to absorb these materials, therefore, might be to open the three documents side-by-side, and bounce back and forth among them.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Rick Wilson, for the bylaws committee: Susan Adams (Chair), Elizabeth Flynn, Dawn Bauer, and me, with ED Emily Badger and Pres. Lalitha Shivaswamy ex officio